/* Magenet Universal Plugin code */ Philin's Blog: Who Say Making Money was Easy

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Who Say Making Money was Easy

It is very easy to spend money, but not to make money. Who says making money was easy? It requires your blood, sweat and tears! You may do all the right things in the office, being punctual all the time, but when office politics come into place, then your position in the office may be threatened. Or you may be disheartened that you eventually quit when you have a crazy supervisor who takes credit for the work you do while writing a list of petty offences about you like not putting pencil in the drawer while she herself comes to work 1-2 hours late every day! A more serious offence that no one knows until you left the job! This type of parasitic 'superior' ought to be shot dead!


  1. very true..but, what to do. We are just their employees

  2. We have a choice to leave the office if the office environment is not conducive which I did for greener pastures.

  3. LOL agreed...can't understand how some bosses enjoy participating in office politics

  4. making money is easy for those who know how...


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