/* Magenet Universal Plugin code */ Philin's Blog: January 2018

Saturday, January 13, 2018

More than 1 Million Freelancers in Malaysia

There are more than 1 Million freelancers in Malaysia, estimated to be about 1.35 Million total. This is big number and it might get bigger. People are choosing freelancing at home compared to working in a formal environment with much pressure, office politics, back stabbing to get ahead, others taking credit for the work you do, or you do the work of someone else and not getting appreciated, etc. The list is endless. Hence, it is better to be your own boss, calling the shots and working when you are in the mood and take power naps when you are tired. Thank goodness, my boss, despite all his inadequacies, is still bringing in many jobs constantly and this could be blessings from heaven.
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